The Greatest thanks to Allah who almighty, with the establishment of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty (FTK) UIN Mataram as a forum for dedication and development of knowledge in the field of Basic Education, it is hoped that it can become a source of information and publications, especially for lecturers, researchers, and teacher. Thus the PGMI FTK UIN Mataram Study Program provides opportunities for lecturers, researchers, and teachers to be able to publish their work through publication journals which Alhamdulillah have obtained p-ISSN (printed International Standard of Serial Number) and e-ISSN (electronic International Standard of Serial Number) ). Through the El Midad: Jurnal Jurusan PGMI Publication journal, it is hoped that lecturers can work even more.
El Midad: Jurnal Jurusan PGMI is a name that we propose so that it can be an identifier of the world of education, especially Basic Education. Taking the name El Midad: Jurnal Jurusan PGMI based on the consideration that the word represents the term Basic Education. The ELMIDAD journal is published twice a year in print and online. Thus, lecturers, researchers, and teachers are required to continuously conduct research for the smooth publication of this journal.
Hopefully, El Midad: Jurnal Jurusan PGMI become a journal that has very good credibility.