Komunitas: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam is an academic journal, published by Department of Islamic Community Development, Faculty of Dakwah and Communication Science UIN Mataram in 2009 with ISSN Number 2540-9182 and published electronically by e-journal system in 2017. Komunitas focuses on social and religious issues in Indonesia with the specific topic in social development and contemporary religious-social issues.
Komunitas accepts a variety of articles from scholars (researchers, lecturers, and students) through a peer-review process by using Double Blind method available in open journal systems (OJS). Komunitas provides an opened access system with the aim of delivering published research freely available to the public.
Komunitas is also opened for the scholars across the nations with the aim of enriching the research and literature. Since Komunitas has been freely accessed for the public, the commitment to provide articles with the quality and to adjust with the recent academic style of writing is on the high priority. So that, Komunitas accepts mainly articles written in Indonesian language and optionally accept articles written in English.
Journal Description