
  • Febrian Humaidi Sukmana Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram
  • Sri Maryanti Universitas Mataram




Administrative Theory, Henri Fayol, Management Development, Contributions and Limitations, Implementation in Organizations


This paper aims to examine and discuss the concepts, contributions, and limitations of Henri Fayol's administrative theory in the field of management development. Many experts assert that Fayol's administrative theory has made a significant impact on the advancement of modern management. Nevertheless, this theory has also faced criticism and possesses certain constraints when applied in practice. In this study, a historical analysis methodology is employed to acquire a more profound understanding of the history, background, core ideas, implementation, and contributions of Fayol's administrative theory. Furthermore, this research critically evaluates several limitations of Fayol's administrative theory that have been previously identified in relevant literature. These limitations encompass the insufficient consideration of human factors within organizations, the influence of cultural and organizational environments, inflexibility in complex and dynamic situations, as well as an excessive focus on efficiency rather than effectiveness. Despite these limitations, Fayol's administrative theory continues to serve as a crucial foundation in the development of modern management


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How to Cite

Sukmana, Febrian Humaidi, and Sri Maryanti. “TEORI ADMINISTRASI HENRI FAYOL: GAGASAN, KONTRIBUSI, DAN BATASANNYA”. Politea : Jurnal Politik Islam 6, no. 2 (November 24, 2023): 44–66. Accessed January 13, 2025. https://journal.uinmataram.ac.id/index.php/politea/article/view/8544.