Publication Ethic
Every author who will publish its scientific work in Sangkép: Journal of Religious Social Studies should comply with the ethical code of publication. The publication should prioritize three points: scientific integrity, morality, and honesty.
- Author’s scientific integrity: upholding scientific norm, essence, and truth, thereby not sacrificing it for the sake of anything.
- Author’s morality: recognizing and distinguishing good behavior from the bad one should be applied to the writing.
- Author’s honesty: what the author does should be consistent with the actual objective condition, and it should not do any misconduct.
The authors that will publish their scientific article in Sangkép: Journal of Religious Social Studies should obligatorily comply with the ethical code.
- The author should uphold scientific conduct, understand the advantage and the risk of article published.
- The article published should be free of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism or
- The author should include adequate citations in all statements, ideas, and data not belonging to its result of research.
- The article published in its discipline should be consistent or relevant to the focus and scope of Sangkep Journal in contemporary religious social issues in Indonesia, concerning religious sociology, religion and local wisdom, religion and media, religion and tourism, religion and community empowerment, religion and social economic politics
- The article published should not generate conflict with any parties or should not potentially result in society restlessness.
- The authors included in the articles published are those actually competent and contributing significantly to the article writing.
- The author should not make double manuscript submission to other journals or publication media concurrently.
- Some of or the whole article published has not been published in other publication media.
- The article published is originally the author’s result of research, idea or thought, guaranteed with Plagiarism Free Statement written on the stamp by the author.
All authors in Sangkép: Journal of Religious Social Studies are required obligatorily to fill in a Statement explaining that the article has never been published in any journal and conference or seminar. For the example of statement, click here.