Author Guidelines
- The article must be typed in 1.5 spaced, Garamond font with size 12 pts except for abstract and on A4 paper size
- The article is encouraged to be 10-20 pages including reference and appendix (5000-8000 Words)
- The article must include abstract in Bahasa and English (max. 250 words) and be following by the keywords (3-5 words). Abstract and keywords are typed in 1 spaced and Garamond 11 pts
- Foreign and regional words which are not standardized in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) should be written italic
- Citation must be in form of in-text and bibliography are based on APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Association)
- References is typed in single-spaced and Garamond font with size 12 pts. The authors are encouraged to use journals as the main references and avoid using web articles. The bibliography must be the last 10 years publication except for any foundational works e.g. learning theories, framework etc. with at least 15 references.
Articel title: Author guideline for article
(Lower case, Garamond, 15pt Bold, Space 1, Center alignment)
Nama Tanpa Gelar (Font: Garamond, Bold, 12, space 1, Center alignment)
Afiliasi / tempat kerja (Font: Garamond, 11, space 1, Center alignment)
email: (Font: Garamond, Italic, 11, space 1) (Font: Garamond, 11, space 1, Center alignment)
Abstrak: Abstrak memberikan gambaran yang jelas terkait konten artikel. Isi abstrak memuat tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan, dan hasil penelitian. Penulis juga bisa menambahkan ulasan masalah penelitian sebagai pengantar abstrak, simpulan, dan implikasi hasil penelitian. Abstrak ditulis dengan huruf tegak (Normal font), dianjurkan maksimal 200 kata. Jenis huruf yang digunakan dalam abstrak adalah Garamond dengan ukuran 10 dan spasi 1. Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Dalam abstrak berbahasa Indonesia, istilah atau kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya ditulis dalam cetak miring (italic).
Kata kunci: Panduan abstrak, Pemahaman konsep, Pendidikan Islam (Italic, 3-5 kata)
Abstract: Abstract describes clearly the content of the article. It includes the aims of research, methods, and the findings. It is also suggested to highlight the research problem in the first paragraphs, conclusion, and implication of the research. Abstract is written in normal font and not more than 250 words. The font used for abstract is Garamond 10 pts with 1 spacing. Abstract must be in Bahasa and English. If it is in Bahasa, the terms or words in English or other foreign languages should be italic.
Keywords: Abstract guideline, Conceptual understanding, Islamic Studies (Italic, 3-5 words)
INTRODUCTION ← Garamond, 12, Bold, space 1.5
Garamond, 12, space 1.5 Schemata: Jurnal Pasca Sarjana IAIN Mataram ( is a scientific, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal which publishes scholarly articles in the mathematics education field. The articles must be 10-20 pages including bibliography and appendix (if any). In a specific case, it could be more than 20 pages, for example, the article has over 5 pages of reference. The articles published can be research articles (first priority) and library research (limited number). The scope of the published articles will be as follows.
The introduction section must contain the background (background), gaps (gap analysis), and the purpose of service. The background can be sourced from actual problems that occur in certain research objects or phenomena that occur from observations in the field. This problem has never been explored (not in depth) by previous researchers, so that it creates a gap that requires solution action through research (research). The introduction must also write a review of the previous literature (state of the art) as the basis for the statement of scientific novelty of the article written. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of carrying out the research must be written in relation to the background and literature review that has been previously described. Citation sources (references) in this journal article use footnotes.
RESEARCH METHOD ← Garamond, 12, Bold, space 1.5
(Font: Garamond, 12, space 1.5) This part addresses the methods employed in the research. It includes types of research (classroom action research, design research, etc.), research subjects, research instruments (developed by the researcher/s or adapt the existing instrument), data sources, data collections, and data analysis. The author(s) must pay careful attention to the data analysis since it is not just a general step. For example, the author(s) state that the data was analyzed through four steps; reducing data, displaying data, making an inference, and verification. The four steps are required to be operationally elaborated referring to what the author(s) did in the research.
Figures, graphs, tables, and equation
The figures must be arranged as in the example below.
The figure is center alignment
Figure 1. Attached figure in article (Center alignment)
The graphs must be like the following format.
The graph is center alignment
Graph 1. Attached graph format (Center alignment)
The tables must be written in space 1 and 10,5 pts. The table format used in this journal article is as below
Table 1. Table format used in the journal (center alignment)
The table is center alignment
FINDING AND DISCUSSION ← Garamond, 12, Bold, space 1.5
(Font: Garamond, 12, space 1.5) This part includes three major points, i.e., representative or selected research data that support the findings, research findings, and the discussion or a dept-analysis of the findings. For example, if the research was about students’ problem solving of non-routine mathematics tasks then the authors should present selected data on students’ work, explain the findings drawn from the presented data, and following by a thorough analysis of the findings. Some questions to help to make the analysis are: Why are that the findings? How do the findings solve the identified research problems or answer the proposed research questions? How do the findings relate to prior studies or the body of knowledge? How do the findings imply Islamic teaching and learning theoretically or empirically? The discussion or analysis of the findings is not enough to just state that it relates to prior studies. This part ends with suggestions for further research.
CONCLUSION← Garamond, 12, Bold, space 1.5
(Font: Garamond, 12, space 1.5) The conclusion answers the research hypothesis or purposes. It is not the replication of findings and discussion but a summary of the findings which refer to research purposes. The conclusion is written in the form of a descriptive paragraph (one to three paragraphs), not as the numbering.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ← Garamond, 12, Bold, space 1.5
(Font: Garamond, 12, space 1.5) Acknowledgment is optional. The author/s is encouraged to acknowledge any parties that give contribution to the research. It is not same as dedication chapter in thesis/dissertation.
REFERENCES ← Garamond, 12, Bold, space 1.5
(Font: Garamond, 12, space 1.5)
The guideline for the references is as follows.
- References must be the same as citations
- Minimum 20 references for each article, 80% of them are primary references such as journal articles, conference proceedings, and thesis/dissertation.
- The references must be last 10 years
- The authors are highly encouraged to use reference manager such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, and others
- The references apply APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Association). Further read about APA is available here
All articles must be submitted by clicking <<Submission Online>> or visiting link: Where the author registers as an Author and/or is offered as an online Reviewer. If the author has problems regarding online submissions, please contact the Editorial Team at the following email:, CC:
The author must first register as an Author and/or be offered as a Reviewer through the following address: The author must complete the form in as much detail as possible where the star marked form must be entered. After all the text-box forms are filled in, the author clicks the "Register" button to continue registration. Therefore, the author is taken to the author's online delivery interface where the writer must click on "New Submission". In the Start, a New Submission section, click 'Click Here': to go to the first step of the five-step submission process. Here are five steps in the online shipping process:
- Step 1 - Starting the Submission: Select the appropriate journal section, the Original Research Article, Review Article, or Short Communication. Thus, the author must put a checkmark on the shipping checklist.
- Step 2 - Uploading the Submission: To upload the article to this journal, click Browse for the Upload submission item and select the article document file to submit, then click the Upload button.
- Step 3 - Entering Submission’s Metadata (Entering Submission Metadata): In this step, the author's metadata details must be included including the appropriate author. After that, the article title and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and pasting it in the textbox including keywords.
- Step 4 - Uploading Supplementary Files: Additional files must be uploaded including the Covering / Submission Letter, and the Signed Copyright Transfer Agreement Form. Therefore, click the Browse button, select the file, then click the Upload button.
- Step 5 - Confirming the Submission: The author must examine the documents uploaded in this step. To submit articles to the Schemata journal, click the Finish Submission button after the documents are correct. Corresponding author or writer.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Manuscript Template, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Articles must be prepared in accordance with the following author guidelines in the MS Word (.docx, .docs, .RTF) article template. Article templates can be accessed at: Schemata Article Template
Each paper submitted independently was reviewed by at least two peer reviewers (Double-blind). Decisions for publication, amendments or rejection are based on their reports / recommendations. If two or more reviewers consider the article not suitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis of the decision will be sent to the author within three months after the date of submission.
Articles sent back to the authors for revision must be returned to the editor without delay. The revised article can be sent via the Online Submission Interface ( Revised articles returned more than three months will be considered as new submissions.
Authors are not permitted to withdraw articles submitted during the review process, because such withdrawals are a waste of valuable resources, so editors and reviewers spend a lot of time processing the submitted manuscripts. The withdrawal can be in the form of a direct request or without confirmation where the author does not submit revised articles. For this situation, the author and affiliates will be blacklisted to be published in this journal.
The editor will carry out a plagiarism check using the exploration of Google Scholars, Turnitin, and Grammarly Premium for articles submitted before sending them to the examiner. We do not process traced content. If an article has more than 15% plagiarism based on Google Scholar and Grammarly Premium examination results, we will resubmit the article to the author for revision of the traced content.
Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.
With the payment of this fee, the review, editorial decision, and author notification on this manuscript is guaranteed to take place within 4 weeks.
If the paper is accepted for publication, you will not be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publication costs. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
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