Author Guidelines
Scientific papers to be published for publication in Mu'amalat: Journal of Sharia Economic Law Studies must meet the following requirements:
Write about:
Muamalah (Sharia Economic Law);
Islamic Civil Law;
Legal Agreements in Islam;
Jurisprudence (Fiqh, Fiqh);
Islamic law;
Community Economic Institutions;
Civil, Economic, Business (Conventional) Law.
Form conceptual articles or research articles with the following anatomy:
Conceptual articles: title, author, abstract, keywords, introduction, discussion, conclusion (summary and conclusion), and bibliography. See Journal Template
Research articles: title, author, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results/findings, conclusions and suggestions, and bibliography. See Journal Template
The author's identity includes the author's name, institution, and e-mail. If the article is made by two people, then the name must be entered. If there are more than two, then the name that appears in the text (article) is only the leader who is read et al., While the name of the group is included in the footnotes. See Journal Template
Writing length is 15-30 quarto pages, single (space 1), MS Word documents 97-2003, Arial 11pt, and Garamond 12pt.
Original writing, own work, and have never been published in other media or journals.
Using abstracts 100-150 words and keywords 3-7 words.
Complete the references with the footnotes method with the following rules:
Joseph Schacht, An Introduction to Islamic Law (Oxford: The Claredon Press, 1964), 22-28.
Translation book
Fatimah Mernisi, Pemberontakan Wanita, terj. Rahman Astuti (Bandung: Miizan, 1995), 79.
Articles in books
Ibrahim Hosen, “Beberapa Catatan tentang Reaktualisasi Hukum Islam,“ dalam Kontekstualisasi Ajaran Islam: 70 tahun Munawir Sadzali (Jakarta:Paramadina, 1950), 90.
Articles in the Encyclopaedia
Elisabeth heil, “Fes” The Oxford Encyclopedia of Modern Islamic World, Vol.3, ed. John L. Eposito (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), 54
Articles in the Journal
Muhammad Hasyim Kamali, “Shariah as Understood by the Classical Jurist”, Law Journal, 1 & 2 (1996), 64-78.
Articles in Mass Media
Mohamad Abdun Nasir, “The Dispute over Islamic Headscarves in the West, The Jakarta Post, 13 February 2004, 3.
Essay, Thesis, or Dissertation
Iskandar Usman, Istihsan dan Pembaruan Hukum Islam di Indonesia, Disertasi (Jakarta: IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 1987), 56
Qs. al-Baqarah (2): 7
Perjanjian Baru, Yoh. 20-32
When quoting the same reference in sequence, simply write Ibid. If the page is different, just add the page number: Ibid., 20.
If the reference is repeated intermittently by one or more different references, simply write the author's last name along with the initial word title of the reference. For example Zaydan, al-Wajiz ..., 233
Quotes from the internet, diakses 20 Juli 2009