Author Guidelines
The systematic article writing at the JURNAL KOMUNIKE consists of Abstract, Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, References. The complete title of the manuscript is written along with the name of author, affiliation, as well as the correspondence address including e-mail.
- Abstract written in english and indonesian, brief statement about the research, method, result and conclusion.
- Introduction, written using English or Indonesian language that is good, correct, and standard, also in accordance with the style of the environment language (JPKS). The manuscript is written with 1.5 spaces on A4 sized paper in soft-copy in the word document format. The length of the writing is around 5000-6000 words, including reference lists, pictures and tables.
- Research Methods, Includes an explanation of the method used in conducting research.
- Results and Discussion, contains data and analysis exposures, figures and tables as well as various findings obtained in accordance with the substance of the research by using references in the last 10 years and in the form of footnotes.
- Conclusion, The conclusion contains the implications and answers to your research problem, including recommendations.
- References, writing bibliography in accordance with existing references consisting of at least 10% of international journals and 20% of national journals and books in the last 10 years with use of the Modern Language Association (MLA) Style writing format and then have to cite the research in Journal of Komunike.
The article was sent to the Editor of the JURNAL KOMUNIKE, Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Program (KPI), Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Studies - State Islamic University of Mataram. Gajah Mada Street Number 100 Jempong, Mataram City (83116) West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
The article was sent from MAKE A SUBMISSION on the Jurnal Komunike dashboard.
The reference used is the last ten years and technical writing of reference citations in journal articles with footnotes.
Example of Footnotes Writing:
- Harjani Hefni, Komunikasi Islam, (Jakarta: Prenada, 2017), hlm. 17
- Ariel Heryanto, "The Industrialization of the Media in Democratizing Indonesia", Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 23, No.2, (Agustus 2001), hlm. 327
- Tresna Wiwitan, "Prinsip Komunikasi Islam di Media Sosial", dalam, (1 Juli 2020).
- Abdul Rasyid Rumata, "Urgensi Komunikasi Dakwah Dalam Upaya Mengatasi Konflik Masyarakat Islam di Kecamatan Namlea Kabupaten Buru", (Tesis, Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin, Makassar, 2012), hlm. 90.
- Masnun Tahir, Wawancara, Mantang, (20 Juni 2020).
- "Jejak Ulama di Pulau Seribu masjid: Shaleh Hambali, Tuan Guru Kharismatik Dari Bengkel", dalam Suara Nusa, (2020), hlm. 1 dan 7
Example of Bibliography:
- Hefni, Harjani, Komunikasi Islam, Jakarta: Prenada, 2017.
- Heryanto, Ariel. "The Industrialization of the Media in Democratizing Indonesia", Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 23, No.2, Agustus 2001.
- Wiwitan, Tresna. Prinsip Komunikasi Islam di Media Sosial, dalam, 20 Juni 2020.
- Rumata, Abdul Rasyid. Urgensi Komunikasi Dakwah Dalam Upaya Mengatasi Konflik Masyarakat Islam di Kecamatan Namlea Kabupaten Buru, Tesis, Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin, Makassar, 2012.
- Tahir, Masnun. Wawancara, Mantang, 20 Juni 2020.
- Jejak Ulama di Pulau Seribu masjid: Shaleh Hambali, Tuan Guru Kharismatik Dari Bengkel, Suara Nusa, 2020.