In the first stage of review, all articles will be reviewed based on the journal's scope and Author Guidelines. Manuscripts that meet both conditions will be forwarded to the section editor. All journal manuscripts that meet these two prerequisites will be checked for plagiarism checker process through iThenticate and Turnitin. Manuscripts with a plagiarism rate of more than 20% will be rejected automatically.

After plagiarism check, Section Editors will receive the manuscripts and send it to Reviewers that had been selected by Section Editors. The manuscripts will be blindly reviewed by two experts in the field of study (double-blind review).

Final decision of publication will be made by the Editor's meeting. The decision that based on the advice of the reviewers could categorized into: (1) acceptable without revisions; (2) acceptable for publications after minor revisions; (3) acceptable for publication after major revisions; and (4) reject.