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A variety of circumstances that occur in the Islamic world sparked
the birth of such transnational Islamic movement Hizbut Tahrir,
Talbligh, and the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. The transnational nature
of the Islamic movement of expansiveness and actively spreading
their thinking about Islam belongs to Indonesia. As a country that
is the world’s largest Muslim population, Indonesia became fertile
ground for the development of transnational Islamic movement.
This condition could have made the bases of moderate Islam,
which has developed in Indonesia threatened his position. For that
it needs the presence of map propagation, especially in Indonesia as
the reference design strategy of da’wah that would be used in order
to perform filtering and prevent the occurrence of friction with
transnational Islamic movement. Therefore, the charity should also
be adjusted to the pace of the times, a da’i sued for control of not
only the sciences of religion, but also in science and technology. Is
thereby expected later a da’i can offset the influence of transnational
Islamic movement in Indonesia.


Transnational, Map, Da’wah.

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How to Cite
Syaoki, M. (2017). GERAKAN ISLAM TRANSNASIONAL DAN PERUBAHAN PETA DAKWAH DI INDONESIA. KOMUNIKE: Jurnal Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, 9(2), 167–182.