Reference Writing
Author may use reference manager such as mendeley, or he/she may follow the APA format is used in this journal given its general use as the reference format in the realm of education. The followings are examples of the APA format as used for books, journal articles and other online resources:
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: WH Freeman and Company. |
Edited book |
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston, USA: Pearson Education. |
Article of chapter in an edited book |
Meskell, L. (2001). Archaeologies of identity. In I. Hodder (Ed.), Archaeological theory today (pp. 187-213). Cambridge, England: Polity Press. |
Journal Article |
Çakiroglu, J., Çakiroglu, E., & Boone, W. J. (2005). Pre-Service Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs Regarding Science Teaching: A Comparison of Pre-Service Teachers in Turkey and the USA. Science Educator, 14(1), 31-40. |
Online resources:
Article form an online periodical (with DOI). |
Moulding, L. R., Stewart, P. W., &Dunmeyer, M. L. (2014). Pre-service teachers' sense of efficacy: Relationship to academic ability, student teaching placement characteristics, and mentor support. Teaching and Teacher Education, 41, 60-66. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2014.03.007 |
Article form an online periodical (no DOI). |
Karal, H., Kokoc, M., &Cakir, O. (2015). Impact of the educational use of Facebook group on the high school students’ proper usage of language. Education and Information Technologies, 1-19. Retrieved from |
Online Dissertation |
Yulia, Y. (2014). An evaluation of English language teaching programs in Indonesian junior high schools in the Yogyakarta province (Doctoral dissertation, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies College of Design and Social Context RMIT University). Retrieved from |
For more information pertaining to the APA, please go to this following web: see APA publication manual.