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Roudlotul Mosque Jannah is the only mosque in Wonorejo Hamlet, Dalegan Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency, built in the 1970s. The mosque used to be a small prayer room which was later converted into a mosque for local residents. In the past, only a simple method was used to measure the direction of the Qibla, namely using a compass. Meanwhile, the science of determining the direction of the Qibla has now undergone many developments and given rise to methods that are considered more accurate. Therefore, the author is interested in researching the accuracy of the direction of the Qibla of the mosque using the Rashdul Kiblat global Qibla direction measurement method and the Qibla azimuth used with Mizwala Qibla Finder and Isamicastro application. After conducting research, it can be obtained that the direction of the Qibla is Roushotul Jannah deviated or was not quite right towards the actual direction of the qibla with a difference of 3° 37' 58.62” less to the south. Research into the direction of the qibla of mosques or prayer rooms is very important, considering that the qibla is Wrong One condition legitimate for a very prayer? important. So the research on the direction of the Qibla makes the congregation in the mosque or prayer room more solemn and does not doubt the direction of the Qibla.


QIbla Direction Rashdul Qibla Qibla Azimuth

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How to Cite
Fanani, A. Z. F. (2024). VALIDATION OF QIBLA DIRECTION OF RAUDHATUL JANNAH MOSQUE, PANCENG GRESIK. AL - AFAQ : Jurnal Ilmu Falak Dan Astronomi, 6(2), 151–162. Retrieved from