
Call for Papers
| We would like to invite you to submit your research papers for the upcoming edition of Sangkep, Volume 6, Issue 1 & 2, January-June and July-December 2023.

Religious Movement and Welcoming Society Era 5.0

  • Local Religious
  • Islamic and local culture
  • Religion and technological development or on contemporary religious social issues in Indonesia, relevant to the focus and scope of Journal Sangkep.

SANGKéP: Jurnal Kajian Sosial Keagamaan is a scientific journal published by Department of Religious Sociology of Faculty of Ushuluddin and Religious Studies of Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, Indonesia.

Sangkep has been indexed by these prominent indexing services: SINTA (4), Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref, Dimensions, Scilit, PKP Index, ROAD, BASE, DRJI, WorldCat, Neliti.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Editor-in-Chief, Sangkép