Vol.. 7, No. 2 (2024)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
Published: Dec 23, 2024
Vol.. 7, No. 1 (2024)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
Published: Jun 28, 2024
Vol.. 6, No. 2 (2023)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
This belated edition, Edulangue Vol. 6 No. 2, is finally published. Some submissions were declined due to their writing quality and a lack of academic inquiry. This edition covers issues pertaining to the academic writing in Phillipine context, Translanguaging in EFL context, Motivation among EFL tertiary education students in Indonesia, Cultural shock among new students of English education departments, Depressions of Mid-career EFL teachers and its effects on their wellbeing, and learning styles amonf EFL students in Indonesian secondary schooling context.
We would like to deliver our gratitute towards the respective authors for their contribution, not to mention Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram for the support of accomodating this scholarly platform, Edulangue.
Published: Jan 16, 2024
Vol.. 6, No. 1 (2023)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
This belated edition, Edulangue Vol. 6 No. 1, is finally published. Some submissions were declined due to their writing quality and a lack of academic inquiry. This edition covers issues related to contextual teaching and learning, cultural awareness, content-based instruction, intelligibility, PPP method, and technology based task instruction authored by six scholars from different Indonesian institutions and one from UK.
We would like to deliver our gratitute towards the respective authors for their contribution, not to mention Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram for the support of accomodating this scholarly platform, Edulangue.
Published: Sep 2, 2023
Vol.. 5, No. 2 (2022)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
Edulangue, December 2022 edition, declined more than 15 submissions due to their low academic writing standards and a lack of scientific inquiry procedure. Among them, eight most publishable manuscripts were accepted based on the current trends of L2 instruction theories. This edition covers various issues, including TPACK, Thinking skill theories, Blended learning, analysis of e-learning platform, Duolingo, online learning and coping strategies, and use of Picture Strip Story.
It is expected that this edition contributes to the current body of knowledge and practices in the realm of English language teaching and learning.
Finally, Edulangue editorial board would like to express sincere gratitude toward the authors, editors, reviewers, and all the parties involved in the publication of this edition, not to mention the State Islamic University of Mataram.
Published: Dec 29, 2022
Vol.. 5, No. 1 (2022)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
Edulangue, June 2022 edition, declined more than twenty submissions due to their low academic writing standards and a lack of scientific inquiry procedure. Among them, six most publishable manuscripts were accepted based on the current trends of L2 instruction theories. This edition covers various issues, such as the inclusion of intercultural paradigm in ELT in the time of Covid-19 pandemic, Digital-based Games for enjoyment and lexical learning, the application of TBLT in non-formal language education, perceptions of Google Meet use in primary schools in EFL context, use of differentiated instructions for ELT in a Taiwanese schooling context, and introducing race-based instruction for multilingual learners.
It is expected that this edition contributes to the current body of knowledge and practices in the realm of English language teaching and learning.
Finally, Edulangue editorial board would like to express sincere gratitude toward the authors, editors, reviewers, and all the parties involved in the publication of this edition, not to mention the State Islamic University of Mataram.
Published: Jun 29, 2022
Vol.. 4, No. 2 (2021)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
Edulangue receives more than thirty submissions for this edition, December 2021, with over thirty being rejected. Five most publishable papers were selected based on the use of current theories of L2 instruction, writing styles, and trends. The articles accepted cover various issues, which include a sociolinguistics of mobility and its implications on ELT classrooms, digital storytelling and writing skills, autobiography of pre-service EFL teacher, sounds and spelling exercises for English pronunciation development, and challenges on using Google Docs for collaborative writing practices.
It is expected that this edition contributes to the current body of knowledge and practices in the realm of English language teaching and learning.
Finally, Edulangue editorial board would like to express sincere gratitude toward the authors, editors, reviewers, and all the parties involved in the publication of this edition, not to mention the State Islamic University of Mataram.
Published: Dec 30, 2021
Vol.. 4, No. 1 (2021)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
The current issue, Vol 4. No. 1, June 2021, receives several submissions with over ten being rejected. Seven most publishable papers were selected based on the use of current theories of L2 instruction, writing styles, and trends. The articles accepted cover various issues, which include effect of TBLT on ESP instruction, needs analysis of locally embedded English curriculum, literacy strategies on the character education and English competence, intercultural communication, EFL teachers’ beliefs on learner autonomy in online classrooms, self-regulated learning in an extensive reading classroom, and the efficacy of Digital Story Telling (DST) on writing and speaking skills. All the manuscripts are authored by Indonesian scholars from across the archipelago.
It is expected that this edition contributes to the current body of knowledge and practices in the realm of English language teaching and learning.
Finally, Edulangue editorial board would like to express sincere gratitude toward the authors, editors, reviewers, and all the parties involved in the publication of this edition, not to mention the State Islamic University of Mataram.
Published: Jun 30, 2021
Vol.. 3, No. 2 (2020)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
This second edition of Edulangue, December 2020, receives a number of articles with some being rejected, and accepts only seven most appropriately written manuscripts. The selections of the manuscripts were based on the use of current theories of L2 instruction and following the current trend in the literature. The articles accepted cover various issues, which include perceptions of Pre-service teachers on TBLT, use of Islamic songs, visual method for Literacy instruction, Podcast use for Islamic expressions, self-repair strategies of EFL learners, and Bloom Taxonomy based-Flipped learning. The contributors come from various tertiary institutions across the Indonesian archipelago from Sumatra, Java and Lombok. It is expected that this edition contributes to the current body of knowledge and practices in realm of English language teaching and learning. Finally, Edulangue editorial board would like to express sincere gratitude toward the authors, editors, reviewers, and all the parties involved in the publication of this edition, not to mention the State Islamic University of Mataram.
Published: Dec 28, 2020
Vol.. 3, No. 1 (2020)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
This Vol. 3(1) June 2020 comprises six articles that address various current issues in the ELT context, from Identity Construction of English Department students in Indonesia, a conceptual paper on film-based resources for aysnchronous online learning, EFL teachers' experiences in designing a lesson-based TPACK, students' willingness to communicate in extramural activities, strategies to develop HOTs, and the contributions of Debating withing the perspective of CLT.
Edulangue congratulates and thanks to the contributors, reviewers, and editors, of this edition, without whom it would not be able to progress, and who help paving the way for this journal to be nationally acrediated in Sinta Database in the near time.
Published: Jun 27, 2020
Vol.. 2, No. 2 (2019)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
This second issue of Edulangue December 2019 comprises of six research articles entailing various issues, including self-regulated learning strategies, needs assessment in 4.0 industrial era, marrying reading and writing for critical thinking development, reading habits, content analysis of argumentative writing, and metacognitive awareness in speaking.
Published: Dec 30, 2019
Vol.. 2, No. 1 (2019)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
This first issue of Edulangue June 2019 comprises of six research articles entailing various issues, including language learning strategies, effect of self-regulated learning on writing skills, English textbook analysis, error and collocation analyses in ELT context.
Published: Jun 30, 2019
Vol.. 1, No. 2 (2018)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
This second issue of Edulangue December 2018 comprises of six research articles entailing various issues, including an analysis of ELT practices in an Indonesian High School context, motivational strategies employed by lecturers in an ESP classroom, the use of reading strategy (SQ4R), the employement of Interactive Games for the teaching of Question Tags, the use of Course Review Horray strategy, and reflective practices in a teacher professional development.
Published: Dec 21, 2018
Vol.. 1, No. 1 (2018)
Edulangue: Journal of English Language Education
This first issue of Edulangue June 2018 comprises of six research articles entailing various issues, including action research in ELT classrooms, Error analysis and thematic progression in English language writing, effects of emotional intelligence, Blended learning in EFL context, and Speech act proficiency.
Published: Aug 15, 2018